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증산도JeungSanDo/증산도 커뮤니티

What is Jeung San Do?

by 바로요거 2009. 7. 9.

What is Jeung San Do?



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Q1. What is Jeung San Do?
Jeung San Do is the dao of Jeung-san Sangjenim, the Ruler of the Universe.
It is also the spiritual organization whose members follow Jeung-san Sangjenim's teachings and convey His truth worldwide.
Q2. Who is Jeung-san Sangjenim?
Jeung-san Sangjenim is the Ruling God of the Universe who incarnated as a human. 'Sangjenim' is the title by which the Korean people have known the Ruling God since ancient times. During His incarnation as a human in Korea between 1871 and 1909, He was known by the name Gang Jeung-san. 'Gang' was His family name, and 'Jeung-san' was the name He adopted as a dao name, as a young man.
Q3. What does the name 'Sangjenim' mean?
Since ancient times, the people of the East have called the Ruling God of the universe 'Sangje.' Sang means "above" or "highest" and je means "ruling god." Nim is an honorific suffix attached to names or titles in Korean.
Q4. What is the meaning of the name 'Jeung San Do'?
'Jeung San Do' means "the dao of Jeung-san." The word jeung connotes "to bring to maturity" or "to bring to fruition," and san means "mountain." The entire phrase 'jeung-san' signifies completion, maturation, and harmony. ('Jeung-san' is also a traditional Korean descriptive term for the highest mountain in a region.) Do denotes "dao," i.e., "way." Considered as a whole, therefore, the name 'Jeung San Do' signifies the highest truth that surpasses all existing religions and teachings.

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