도널드 럼즈펠드(사진) 미 국방장관이 29일 "이제는 선제공격의 시대"라고 말했다고 영국 BBC방송이 이날 보도했다.
럼즈펠드 장관은 이날 카타르 미 중부사령부를 방문한 자리에서 "선제공격은 테러범과 테러국가의 위협으로부터 미국의 안보를 지키기 위해 필요한 것"이라면서 "미국은 이라크.아프가니스탄 전쟁에서 좋은 출발을 했다"고 말했다.
그는 또 "(테러와의 전쟁 등)미국이 맡은 과업은 과거와 달리 매우 혁신적이며 이를 위해 어느 때보다 테러범들을 찾아 선제공격하고 방어해야 할 필요성이 커진 상태"라면서 "미국과 동맹국들은 도망칠 구멍만 찾지는 않을 것"이라고 밝혔다.
이라크 전쟁에 대해 럼즈펠드 장관은 "역사상 유례가 없는 화력과 정밀성.속도.유연성의 결집을 보여준 이번 전쟁은 군사(軍史)에 길이 기록될 것"이라며 "한달도 채 안된 기간에 수도로 입성한 것은 전무후무한 전과(戰果)"라고 덧붙였다.
이와 함께 그는 "해방된 이라크인들이 사담 후세인 이라크 대통령의 동상을 끌어내리고 환호하는 장면은 베를린 장벽 붕괴나 (독일 나치 치하의)파리 해방과 더불어 역사의 한 페이지를 장식할 것"이라고 주장했다.
▶영어 원문
Rumsfeld heralds 'first strike' era | |||
US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has said that his country has entered a new era in which it must pre-emptively seek out and prevent attacks by terrorists and terrorist states. He told coalition troops at US Central Command in the Gulf state of Qatar that the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq showed that America had made a good start. He said the US-led invasion of Iraq would go down in military history because of its unprecedented combination of power, precision, speed and flexibility. It was also notable for its compassion towards innocent civilians, he said. His comments came after US military officials were reported as saying that American air operations in the region would be run from Qatar rather than Saudi Arabia for the foreseeable future. BBC Middle East analyst Roger Hardy says the war in Iraq showed that Saudi Arabia was unwilling to accept a high-profile American presence on its soil.
He adds that the country's de facto ruler, Crown Prince Abdullah, is thought to have wanted to reduce the US military presence in Saudi Arabia for some time. In his address to the troops, Mr Rumsfeld said: "The task we have is a different one in the 21st century - it is not conventional, it is unconventional. "It requires us to seek out and defend and prevent the attacks by terrorists. "It may be an untidy world, but our country and our friends and allies are going to be able to preserve our way of life, continue our way of life, not climb into holes and hide." 'Be proud' To cheers, Mr Rumsfeld told the troops that what they had done would go down in history. "Those scenes we have all witnessed of free Iraqis pulling down statues of Saddam Hussein, greeting coalition forces and celebrating their new-found freedom - they will certainly take their place alongside the fall of the Berlin Wall and the liberation of Paris and each of you helped make that happen.
"You can be very proud of it.
"You have helped rescue a nation and liberate a people. "You have driven a repressive regime from power, ending a threat to free people everywhere, protecting our country from a growing danger and giving the Iraqi people a chance to build a free nation." Mr Rumsfeld hit back at critics of the war in Iraq by paraphrasing Winston Churchill's comments about the Battle of Britain, saying: "Never have so many been so wrong about so much". He praised General Tommy Franks, the commander of the coalition forces in Iraq, and all of the men and women who served under him. "Baghdad was liberated in less than a month, possibly the fastest march on a capital in modern military history," he said. Mr Rumsfeld is on a tour to thank Gulf leaders for their support during the war. He is expected to visit Afghanistan later this week. A trip to Iraq could also be included in his schedule. |
출처 : BBC News 2003년 4월 28일자 인터넷판
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