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홍산문화의 유물들/옥기(玉器)문화

by 바로요거 2009. 3. 3.


홍산문화의 유물들/옥기(玉器)문화

동영상 안나오면 아래 유물 먼저 구경하세요~^^


Bracelet with Cicada Motif (A)                               Bracelet with Cicada Motif (B)


  eagle-on-human                    lingam_on_double-headed_human       hongshan-alien-eyes


hongshan-alien-roswell                      hongshan-astro-bird                  ornament_statue


Hongshan Culture,Bird on God          Hongshan Culture, Jade Figure         Motif of Eagle on Man


hongshan-astro-bird .앞                                                                  뒤                                         옆


Cicada on God Head                 Swallow                                      Hongshan Jade Eagle


bird man.옆                                                                                                                           뒤


Hongshan Jade Swan                                                                                       Hongshan Jade Fish


Hongshan Culture, C-shape Dragon .(A)                                                                                    (B)


Ax with Dargon Head.                                                        Jade Axe w/ vulture motif


Ax Shape Tri-bi-disk Dragon Motif.                       Hongshan Culture, Ax


C-shape Dragon.(A)                                                                          (B)


C-shape Dragon Plaque.(A)                                                              (B)


Hongshan Culture, Horse Head                                                      Hongshan Culture, Jade Hoop


Hongshan Culture,Bi-Disk                                                           Collared Bi-disk


Hongshan Culture, Jade Cicada                                                        Hongshan Culture, Jade Condor


Knife with Motifs of Dragon and Pheonix.  Knife with Motif of Horse Head.         Knife-Bird's Head Handle


Bracelet with Cicada Motif.     Pheonix & Dragon Plaque.                Fish                        three holes instrument



Shang Dynasty, Kingdom Emblem. (A)                                      Shang Dynasty, Kingdom Emblem.(B)
